'' is an online magazine for all cat lovers.
We love cats!!

Edit: Madoka Hattori

Photograph: Shin Suzuki

Web direction: Toshihiro Saito
Web development/design: Akihiro Sato, Hidemori Kosuda (Bluemark Inc.)
Illustration: Kuniko Nagasaki
Translation: Seth High, Adam Moore, Jae Lee
Noticed that our website domain is “.cat”? It most definitely was not a coincidence and if we may say so ourselves, we are bit proud of our cute domain. Unique, we thought, turns out that it is a commonly used domain in Catalunya region of Spain. .cat for Catalunya just like .jp for Japan. Catalunya has long history with colourful culture. Internet domain wars put aside, we would like to take this chance to introduce a bit about Catalunya.
Contact: info [at]